Have you ever felt like you were looping inside a story?

As if the story were being played over and over and over again in your mind, but there was no end in sight?

This happened to me recently when I started thinking about whether to stop coloring my hair or not.

Yes, I know… this is not a really big important “stuck” spot.

But, that’s ok.

Our stuck spots can range from everyday stumbles to big, complex issues.

And this week, my story for you is one of the everyday stumbles kind of story, but it’s meaningful nonetheless, and so I decided to share it with you.

Tune in to hear how I considered making a decision to end the endless overthinking I was doing.

Join me over on my Facebook page to watch me go from brunette to grey (with joy!). (Make sure you click “like” so you don’t miss a post!)

As always, I look forward to getting unstuck with you,
